Analyze a Chi-Square Test
Assume a researcher is interested in gathering information related to the distribution of teachers used in a research sample; or, if the surveyed teachers were evenly distributed across gender, across topic area, and gender across topic area. Download the SPSS data set “teachersurvey.sav.” Not all of the variables in this SPSS file will be used for this assignment. In this SPSS assignment, you will expand your understanding of inferential statistics involving a chi-square analysis. 1. For each variable gender and topic, conduct a Chi Square analysis to test if there is an even distribution across each level of each variable. (Hint: For this test, use the Nonparametric Test under the Analyze tab.) a. Upload the SPSS output. b. What are the null and alternative hypotheses for each variable? c. Report the results in APA format of the test for each of these hypotheses. 2. Once this analysis has been completed, the researcher is interested in determining how the distribution appears across the two variables combined. Conduct a Chi Square goodness-of-fit test for cross tabulation of gender and topic area. (Hint: For this test, use the Descriptive => Crosstabs under the Analyze tab.) a. Upload the SPSS output b. What are the null and alternative hypotheses for this test? c. Report the results in APA format of the test for each of these hypotheses. 3. Based on your personal experiences and interests, briefly discuss two variables to be used in a chi-square analysis.