Analyze the potential roles of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Health Information Officer (CHIO), Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO), and Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO).

Analyze the potential roles of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Health Information Officer (CHIO), Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO), and Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO).

Case Study Part 2 Analyze the potential roles of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Health Information Officer (CHIO), Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO), and Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO). Why would these roles be important? How can they provide the leaderships to support the applications of health IT systems? Evaluate your findings, and then apply them to your specific setting or your own experience. Please submit a 2-3 page paper, using APA format, due the last day of Week 4. Directions: Access the Getting Started folder in this module for the assigned readings for the week. After you complete the readings, complete this assignment.