Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health.

Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health.

Write an essay comparing both pathogenicity and virulence among microorganisms. ⦁ · Show how microorganisms vary in both their pathogenicity and virulence using the opportunistic infections as examples. ⦁ · Show how these characteristics influence the prevention and treatment for public health. ⦁ · Offer innovative solutions for ways to prevent the spread of infection in personal life and in public. Requirements ⦁ · Essay should be a minimum of 500 words. ⦁ · The paper you submit must be your own work. ⦁ · The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained. ⦁ · Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). ⦁ · Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. ⦁ · Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. ⦁ · Use APA style for all citations.