Analyzing Strategies for Justice Across Contexts
This entire quarter we have been discussing questions of justice, trying to determine what it looks like, who deserves it and why as well as how it is enacted, at what cost, and for what purpose. You have written about the question of justice and how justice is argued in relation to the Civil Rights Movement (i.e the midterm paper), but we have also studied it in regards to: (1) the prison industrial complex, (2) education, (3) queer justice, (4) labor, and (5) reproductive rights. In this assignment, you will choose one of these five themes/units and analyze how our assigned authors writing about your chosen theme/unit use at least two of the persuasive strategies from the table below to make their arguments about justice. Ultimately, how do these strategies facilitate the work of social justice? How are they working in conjunction with each other? For your final paper for this class, write a thesis-based essay that argues why and how the two strategies you chose are persuasive tools for social justice in relation to your chosen unit/theme. In addition to your 1500-word (minimum) thesis-based paper, you must also attach a separate 300-word “Dear Reader” letter. In that letter, please reflect on and answer these questions: Why did you choose the unit/theme you chose and not the others? In answering this question, include a discussion of readings outside of your chosen unit/theme that informed your understanding of the unit/theme you did choose.