Apply the four principles of biomedical ethics as proposed by Beauchamp and Childress to Abortion

Apply the four principles of biomedical ethics as proposed by Beauchamp and Childress to Abortion

Remember to include a coversheet on your document. Submit via Turnitin only – include a clear descriptive title for your document upload. 1. Apply the four principles of biomedical ethics as proposed by Beauchamp and Childress to ONE of the topics listed below and construct arguments for as well as against the delivery of these actions based on these principles. • Abortion Introduction – briefly explain role of field of biomedical ethics and its application in society; establish parameters of essay – eg chosen topic Brief history of the issue and any related legal issues Identify the four principles of biomedical ethics as proposed by Beauchamp and Childress Take each principle in turn and explain in detail the principle and explain how it can be applied to any discussion about provision of your chosen topic. Remember to provide the discussion of the principles and their application together rather than separately You might want to discuss: · How certain aspects of the topic may in some circumstances conflict with the four principles · How the principles may appear to conflict with each other and how this might be rectified · How third parties may be involved and the impact such involvement has on them and how this may conflict with the principles Conclusion – should the topic be provided in modern Britain and why/why not?