Are Machinists at Risk from Continuous Exposure to Load Noise during CNC Operations?

Are Machinists at Risk from Continuous Exposure to Load Noise during CNC Operations?

This research will assess the octave band generated during the operation of CNC Machine by measuring the volume of sound originating from the CNC Machine. This is so that the appropriate hearing protectors can be supplied as a first recourse to protecting the machinist or operator until the loud noise from the CNC machines are attenuated by engineering means for the benefit of the entire CNC operation workforce. The best means of defining what type of hearing protectors will provide the best results is to use the octave band frequency analysis measurement of the noise and to compare that with the published specifications of the protector that is planned to be used for the machinist or operator. The results for each possible protector that is being considered can be checked against the octave band spectrum and an attenuation characteristic can be determined using real data. Current earplug using in the facility: 3M 1290 Series Earplug – Collecting data from Noise Analyzer – Hearing Protection Calculator – Octave Band Method (e.g. for each point Summary: After analyzing all the data collected. Is the current earplug sufficient? if yes, why do still metal manufacturing have high no. of NID cases. – Is it Training? – Behavior? What is the corrective action or plan for the organization?