Are people gigging because that is the only thing that they have been able to find in a stressed economy?
Discussion question. The current labor force is faced with a new opportunity….Giganomics . Take the time to do your own research on this concept, then address the following questions, responding with your own original ideas and positions on the topic.
Are people gigging because that is the only thing that they have been able to find in a stressed economy?
Are they making enough to not only get by but to thrive?
Are they paying taxes on this income?
Are they finding a way to save for their own retirement or the types of personal health or circumstantial crises that the flesh is heir to?
How are these fine people counted in the job rolls? Unemployed? Part time employed? Looking for work? Dropped out of the workforce entirely?
What would they do if they were unable to find a new gig …and had to file for unemployment?