Are there recent past or current issues the business is dealing with?

Are there recent past or current issues the business is dealing with?

Please upload your report by the due date and time in Microsoft Word. Please check for correct grammar and use APA style for in-text and end of paper citations. Up to 100 points for each team member, however, if Joe Barnes receives complaints that a team member is not responsive to other members, or is not fully participating in the work expectations, that member may receive reduced points. No changes after the due date and time. Executive summary format details: 1.5 Spacing, Include cover page, and references page. Please include BOLD subheadings on your paper for each category. Cover Page: A cover page showing your company’s name and logo. Please list each group member’s name on the cover page. Business Introduction: Please explain what the business does and why it is relevant to consumers. SWOT: Please include a SWOT analysis, narrative or bullet point. At least three items in each category. If bullet points, please use enough words that a reader will understand what you are trying to convey. Do Not use a SWOT from the Internet. Please create your own SWOT based on your team research and analysis. Mission Statement and Ethics: Please include the business mission statement. If they have an ethics policy, please refer to it and include a short analysis about the policy. Marketing: Please include a section discussing what your business is doing in marketing, then provide an “analysis” of what you believe is working well in marketing and what changes or improvements the business needs to make and why. Issues: Are there recent past or current issues the business is dealing with? Lawsuits, diversity challenges, etc. Finances: How is the business doing financially? In easy to understand terms, is the business profitable, or losing money? Would the stock be a good or bad investment and why? Explain what has been happening and what the near future looks like for this business financially. Tell the financial “story.” Innovation/What’s Interesting: What is interesting about this business? Include in-text and end of paper APA citations. 1.5 spacing. Generally this paper runs 3-4 pages.