Arguments in support and against R2P

Arguments in support and against R2P

This week, identify two arguments in support and two arguments against R2P. ( Where do you weigh in on the debate and why? *Use the lessons and required readings to answer this question*

Finally, using the state you picked from Week 2 (Indonesia), visit the ‘Freedom House’ website and review the 2017 Freedom in the World world for your state: to answer the following questions:

1. List the state
2. What is the freedom status for 2017?
3. What is the aggregate score, freedom rating, political rights, and civil liberties scores?
4. Focus on the civil liberties – what stands out to you in this report?
5. Do any of the civil liberties that impact personal security have the ability to impact food security either directly or indirectly? Why or why not?
6. Provide any additional analysis or insight regarding the state and personal security.

Remember you must provide a response that is both thoughtful, engaging, and that brings new information (using academically appropriate sources) to the discussion. Cite your sources appropriately!