Assess and compare the role of two different dishes, diets or cuisines in the 19th and/or 20th century history of North America.

Assess and compare the role of two different dishes, diets or cuisines in the 19th and/or 20th century history of North America.

Think of a few dishes, diets, or cuisines that interest you. Read a little about them, and pick two that have a history in 20th North America. Your assignment in this essay is to write assess and compare the role of two different dishes, diets or cuisines in the 19th and/or 20th century history of North America. Regarding sources, your bibliography must have at least 8 sources, and all of these must be cited somewhere in your essay. Your sources must include: 1. At least 6 scholarly sources, of which at least one must be a book 2. At least 2 primary sources. A primary source is usually non-scholarly, and it is written during the time period you are studying. Examples include restaurant reviews, newspaper articles, personal letters, government or policy reports.