
January 11, 2019

Select a current product with which you are familiar, and pitch a new Integrated Marketing Communication plan (IMC) to your client

Select a current product with which you are familiar, and pitch a new Integrated Marketing Communication plan (IMC) to your client. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides that includes the following components: ·         Identify any considerations you will need to employ to build and maintain the brand and customer loyalty. ·         Create […]
January 11, 2019

New Product Launch Marketing Plan

Pitch your Learning Team’s new product to the class using a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of 10-15 slides. Include the following key components from your New Product Launch Marketing Plan: ·         Executive summary ·         Situational analysis ·         Market growth potential and competitive analysis ·         Segmentation, target market, and positioning ·         Pricing and distribution strategies […]
January 11, 2019

Identify the company you selected and evaluate its present marketing strategy

Marketing Strategy An effective marketing strategy is strategically comprised of multiple components that help promote a product or service. First, it includes the target market, or the intended audience to whom a company is marketing a particular product or service. Also required in a marketing strategy is the marketing mix […]
January 11, 2019

What is the role of the marketing function in business?

Role of the Marketing Function. What is the role of the marketing function in business? In 200 to 250 words, explain the role of the marketing function. What are some activities of the marketing department? Explain how the marketing function determines customer value. Respond to at least two of your […]
January 11, 2019

Describe a service in your chosen category in terms of the four ways a service is different from a product—its intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability

Products and Services. It can be harder to sell an intangible service than a tangible product. After reading Chapter 3 of the text, pick one of the cells in Table 3.4: “Service Classifications” and name a service offered in that class—for example, business remodeling service under consulting and operations. In […]