
November 23, 2019

2000 Election Controversy in the USA

How would you press the case for your side had you been in charge of the Gore or Bush campaign? How do you think this problem could be solved in the future? Why? Please provide details. Make sure the writing assignment is one page in length, double spaced.
November 23, 2019

Will the Real Progressive Please Stand Up?

1) Open and Read the word document titled The Christian Left. Watch the youtube link video. 2)Read Document 1 titled Eugene Debs, “How I Became a Socialist” (April, 1902) 3) Read Document 2 titled Woodrow Wilson on the New Freedom (1912) 4)Then after all that’s done answer the question with […]
November 23, 2019

What were the goals of the major parties in Reconstruction?

Part I: Short Answer Answer EACH in a paragraph (or two) per question. 1. What were the goals of the major parties in Reconstruction? What problems made reconstruction so difficult? 2. What were the main forms of white resistance to the efforts of reconstructionists? What were the black codes? What […]
November 23, 2019

The Italian Renaissance Era vs The Roman Republican Era

Compare and contrast at least 2 and up to 4 main features of the kind of the society/lifestyle created by the Renaissance Italians with at least 2 and up to 4 corresponding main features of the kind of society/lifestyle created by the Romans during the era of the Republic. Many […]
November 23, 2019

In the United States today, what does it really mean to be a ‘liberal’?

READINGS: Chapters 1-2; 15-16 Part II: Mini-Essays 1&2 (50 points; Maximum 25 points each) Prompt: This week’s course content deals specifically with the concepts of the ‘Original Dilemma’ and the so-called ‘Modern Dilemma’ of politics & society, as well as the broad concepts of what it means to be ‘Liberal’ […]
November 23, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five book review

It is early 1969, and Richard M. Nixon has just been sworn in as President of the United States. You, a book reviewer at a newspaper or magazine of your choice, have just received an advance copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five for review. Utilizing the book, assigned primary sources, your […]