
March 28, 2019

Luxottica Group Strengths and Weaknesses

In relation to your project idea, contemplate each of the categories below for strengths and weaknesses and what opportunities and threats may occur with your new business idea. Consider the impact of ethical issues that may arise as well. Briefly profile your idea and its single greatest strength and weakness […]
March 28, 2019

Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy: Green Acres

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a marketing plan and sales strategy, and a marketing budget. Note: You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. For the first six (6) months your company is in business—to give you time to perfect your product […]
March 28, 2019

How businesses can leverage information on how consumers use technology and social media to enhance business performance and increase sales

Read Chapter 11 of your textbook along with the Deloitte Report, “Navigating the New Digital Divide: Capitalizing on Digital Influence in Retail.” Then, discuss how businesses can leverage information on how consumers use technology and social media to enhance business performance and increase sales. Provide at least one specific example […]
March 28, 2019

Social Technology to maintain competitive advantage: Sage Street

Scenario: Sage Street Systems has decided to incorporate social technology into its business to maintain its competitive advantage. It would like to use technologies that allow it to engage with customers and that also allow employees to communicate with peers. The company’s current customer demographic is older, but management would […]
March 28, 2019

Organizations Use of Social Media During Crisis

You have been assigned the task as Marketing Manager to scan social media web sites and try to mitigate the negative consumer postings from a recent crisis. Explain how organizations use social media to communicate with their consumers through a crisis and evaluate how the negative comments were handled by […]
March 28, 2019

Compare and contrast Porter and McCarthy’s approaches to developing marketing strategy

Question 1 These articles present two different ways of assessing the marketplace. As you read, compare and contrast Porter and McCarthy’s approaches to developing marketing strategy. Identify the three most important similarities and three most important differences, and note them in your ePortfolio. Competitive Strategy: The Five Competitive Forces That […]