
December 5, 2019

The Marriage of Figaro (1784) review

The play The Marriage of Figaro (1784), which ridiculed the privileges of the aristocracy and set a common servant above his master, was banned throughout France and Austria. It has been considered an early indicator of the French Revolution. Certainly authorities of the eighteenth century felt justified in their banning […]
December 5, 2019

Compare two images: Swing Dancers and Bebop performance.

The images are found in the “Bebop” Module 6 online introductory materials. Consider both the musicians and members of the audience. What can you conclude regarding changes from the Swing Era to the Bebop period? Which musicians seem to be more intently involved in their performance? Which audience seems to […]
December 5, 2019

Illegal Immigration in the United States and its effects on the labor market

Guidelines The purpose of this exercise is for you to produce a well-argued research paper related to a current issue using at least five scholarly sources (this is the minimum; you can always add more sources if you wish, including non-scholarly ones). Make sure your essay is logically structured and […]
December 5, 2019

How Will I Apply Anthropological Theory and Methods to my Future Career

There are two pieces to this assignment. 1. Abstract and annotated bibliography. The abstract is your chance to tell me the topic of your final paper and the bibliography is your chance to demonstrate that you’ve done enough research on that topic to know that the paper is a possibility. […]
December 5, 2019

Anthropology: Racism and White privilege in Canada or the United States

1400-1700 words not including reference citedpage, submitted into turnitin, Chicago style author date, Racism and White Privilege in Canada OR the United States As discussed in class, white privilege operates within a variety of spheres within Canadian and American society (eg. police/judicial system, educational system). Find TWO written anthropological or […]