Based on your own opinion, what steps would you personally be willing to take, if any, so that you could be just a few inches taller?

Based on your own opinion, what steps would you personally be willing to take, if any, so that you could be just a few inches taller?

Discuss the first question immediately starting by Wednesday without completing the readings. This first question is asking your opinion or is based on your own experiences. After Wednesday you will have completed the reading assignment and can begin discussing the second set of questions.

By the end of the module, we will have engaged in substantive discussion on all components of the discussion questions, especially if you ask your classmates relevant questions that invite differing viewpoints and encourage sharing professional experiences.

First, let’s start with a question based on your opinion (to be posted by Wednesday):

There are some cultures that feel that a worker will make more money if they are taller. There are other cultures where many men may never find a mate because of their height. We were all short at one point in our lives but what if you never grew to be as tall as you wanted to be?

1. Based on your own opinion, what steps would you personally be willing to take, if any, so that you could be just a few inches taller?

Now read the textbook assignment, check out of the websites in the reading list and watch the YouTubevideo: Bone Lengthening. Starting Wednesday, let’s explore what you’ve learned by discussing these questions. (Begin posting on Wednesday).

Thinking about how the bone is normally formed and remodeled, discuss with your classmates the following:

2. Thinking about how the bones form and the bone remodeling process, how would you say that this bone lengthening procedure could work?

3. If a person were to have this procedure completed after the growth plates have closed would the procedure still be successful?

4. What are some pros and cons of having this procedure done?

5. In the NatGeo video the statement is made that “the bone will grow into the gap harvesting its own healing powers”. How does the bone accomplish this task?

Reference or mention specifically how your ideas are supported by the text and articles.

Consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it. When you are ready to post, click on the “Create Thread” button for a new thread or “Reply” to respond to a previous post. Then, copy/paste the text from your document into the message field, and click “Submit.”

This discussion is part of your overall discussion grade worth 30%. This discussion will be evaluated using the SHS Anatomy and Physiology Discussion Rubric, that can be found in the Course Rubrics folder under the Start Here- Course Information Module area in the course.