Bike Sharing Project in China Research
What do you wish to address (the research issue / Introduction), – How will you address this (Method/Data), and – What is the significance of your research (Discussion)? All followed APA format, with appropriate use of Appendices for support material (historical background) when appropriate Grade assessment of the 10-page term paper: excluding Title page and References, will be based on the course learning objectives. Students are expected to focus on course material content. Non-course material may be included if this enhances the analysis. Assessment will be based on this grade distribution: APA format followed:10% (Proper citations, referencing, and structure of paper.) Introduction: 25% (Review of relevant literature, priority to course content.) Method: 20% (Care in statement of the research issue is to be addressed.) Data: 20% (Organization and presentation of data, including course text/discussion.) Discussion: 25% (Proper resolution of research issue given presented data. Future steps.) The term paper will be for refinement of research issue, method, data, and discussion in light of learned material at the conclusion of the course. I also need a Gantt chart for my project management paper ( you can put it in appendix or any places you think appropriate). I attached the proposal what I worte and also the course summary that I learned basically, the profesor asked to use some materials from courses and also outside the course. I think its necessary for you to read all and contain the contents on it, if you need more materials, please let me know. I also attched the paper examples, the references can not too short, and also the Gantt chart is necessary as you can see in the paper.