Black Guerilla Prison Gang

Black Guerilla Prison Gang

History of the gang: This includes not only founding members, place/context of origination, but also the specific social context that fostered the emergence/growth of this gang. Use Ch 8 “Theories on Gangs and Gang Behaviors” in the Sanders textbook to help explain the emergence and behaviors of this gang. Explain the gang’s symbols, clothing, activities, membership, etc. Relate these things to chapters in the Sanders textbook whenever possible. If you can find any outside sources that speak about prevention or intervention efforts for your specific gang, please add this in your discussion as well (reputable sources only). Make sure you cite all sources that you use. Websites can be used as long as they are of a reliable government or news agency (NO Wikipedia, but that is an acceptable place to begin so that you can find what sources they used and go directly to those sources). If you have questions about this, ask! *APA in-text cite for an agency website is the agency name and the year it was last updated (National Gang Center, 2018). *APA reference for a website is as follows National Gang Center. (2018). Who we are. Retrieved from