Brainstorm and create a non-digital artifact.
Tasks: 1) Brainstorm and create a non-digital artifact. 2) Convert your artifact into a digital format. 3) Visit at least one of the following institutions (i.e. library, archive, and museum) and conduct a research on the management and protection of digital artifacts that are similar to your created artifact. 4) Conduct a literature review to confirm “best-practices” of the management and protection (i.e. lifecycle) of relevant digital artifacts in other places around the world. 5) Compare your findings from 3) and 4) above. 6) Showcase your digital portfolio on a website. i.e. create a free personal website for this assignment. Page 2 of 3 Deliverables: 1) Executive Summary a. Length: 250 words b. Details: Summarize the key points from your individual report in a 1-page “executive summary”. 2) Literature Review a. Length: 750 words excluding references b. Details: Outline the key points from your literature review. 3) Analysis a. Length: 1,250 words excluding references b. Details: Present your analysis in a concise manner. 4) Website Link and Summary a. Length: 1-page b. Details: Insert the URL of your website and include brief commentaries of the different sections of your website. Screenshots from your website should be inserted in section 5) below. Ensure that your website is accessible by the instructor and TA. i.e. do not “password protect” your website. 5) Appendix and References a. Length: Maximum ten (10) pages of materials that help to support your paper (i.e. graphs, charts, tables, references, interview transcripts, etc). b. Details: Insert at the end of your paper.