Business Model Generation Twitter Case

Business Model Generation Twitter Case

The overall objective for this assignment is to fully assess the current Business Model of Twitter, a well-known social media app, and identify potential issues/shortcomings and opportunities for improvement. To get started, read the case study “Entrepreneurs at Twitter: Building a Brand, A Social Tool or a Tech Powerhouse?”

The following areas should be addressed (page references from Business Model Generation text (Some Screenshots attached below)

  • Situation Overview – prepare a brief summary of the key facts as outlined in the Twitter case
  • Business Model Canvas – create a comprehensive 9-box Canvas (pg 16-44)
  • Empathy Map – provide your perspective on the primary consumer target for Twitter and create an Empathy Map with that target in mind (pg 131)
  • Business Model Patterns – review the Patterns in the text (pg 54-119)
    • Identify which one you feel is closest to Twitter’s Business Model based on case information
    • Identify strengths and shortcomings of Twitter’s current model
    • Address the question “How can Twitter monetize in the future?”
      • Identify an alternative Business Model Twitter might consider to create future profitability
      • Outline several ways it may be stronger/weaker than its current approach
      • Why do you feel this new approach could work?
    • Storytelling – Utilizing the “Talk and Image” technique (pg 172), create a short compelling story for Twitter to use in presenting your improved Business Model to prospective investors
    • Business Model Environment – Create an environmental assessment for Twitter based on case materials (pg 201)
    • SWOT Analysis – choose one of the 9 Business Model Canvas boxes from the Business Model Canvas you developed for Twitter and create a SWOT assessment (pg 216)
    • Other Considerations – summarize one additional component outlined in the Business Model Generation text and demonstrate how it could be used to strengthen Twitter’s business model
    • Executive Summary – after completing the assigned work, prepare a brief Exec Summary of your key observations and recommendations

Assignment Details

  • Format: Your Assignment should be no more than 6 single-spaced typed pages including exhibits. Any exhibits can be either incorporated in the body of the assignment or at the end, but your paper in total should not exceed 6 pages.
  • Keys to Strong Assessment: Clear and concise recommendations, Quality of written communication, In-depth and thoughtful analysis, Evident use of course materials.
  • Content Note: Your recommendations should be based on the Twitter case, assigned readings and our class discussion. No additional research (i.e. Internet searches, etc.) is necessary.