Can mental health treatments and therapies designed on a ‘one size fits all’ principle be successful or might it be necessary to consider each individual’s unique combination of biological, psychological and social circumstances?
Question 3 This question carries 30% of the marks for the EMA and relates to the whole module. It assesses module learning outcomes KU2, KU3, KU4, CS1, CS2, CS4, CS5 and KS2. Write an essay, using only material from SDK228, discussing the following question: “Can mental health treatments and therapies designed on a ‘one size fits all’ principle be successful or might it be necessary to consider each individual’s unique combination of biological, psychological and social circumstances?” In writing your essay you will need to discuss whether there are circumstances or conditions in which a ‘one size fits all’ approach might be applicable, and consider in what situations individualised treatment approaches are, or might be, preferable. You will be awarded marks on your ability to select and integrate different lines of argument and evidence from across the module texts and the multimedia map and so you should aim to draw on all of these resources. Remember that a good essay does more than describe the evidence. It explains how the evidence fits the argument you are making. Marks will also be awarded for the structure, clarity and coherence of the argument in your essay, as well as for citations and referencing. Please remember that your essay needs to be written in your own words to show your own understanding. You are encouraged to plan your essay first but there is no need to include your plan in your EMA submission. (Answer in no more than 1000 words) (30 marks)