Canada current Exchange Rate compared to its major trading partners
7. International Trade a. The country’s current trade agreements. b. The current tariffs, quotas, subsidies and other trade policies 8. Exchange Rate a. The country’s current Exchange Rate compared to its major trading partners. b. The impact of this exchange rate on its imports and exports. Each of the subtopics must be specifically addressed in the narrative of the essay. Each of the topics in the Table of Contents must have its own subheading (centered) within the essay itself. Make sure to focus on the exact topics requested and that all of the relevant material is properly supported with APA or MLA formatted citations. Make sure the citations have properly formatted notations on the Reference Page. Section 9 is a main area of critique so make sure to pay special attention to all four segments (a through d). Sections a and b must refer to diagram 16.5 from our text readings (also provided as an earlier “Announcement”) when making the group’s “Assessment(s)”. The AD/AS diagram (9c) must indicate the appropriate shifts to both the AD and AS functions matching the Assessments discussed in sections 9a and b. The impact of these Assessments must be described for each of the four components of 9d. The essay itself should not exceed 15 pages not including the Cover Page, Table of Contents and Reference Page.