Case study Of Industrial Hygiene in Aviation Industry
Required content components for the Case Study Identify hazards in a specified population or workplace: 1. Identify at least one existing or potential injury or illness hazard within a particular population or work environment. 2. The population or workplace you select should be associated with the aerospace/aviation industry. You may opt to research populations or workplaces associated with your current or past position, an aerospace/aviation industry in which you are familiar, or with which you have an interest in researching to greater depth. 3. Specify the injury/illness, problem, or potential problem within your selected population or workplace. Topic examples: • Ergonomic hazards for baggage handlers, flight attendants, or medevac nurses • Hazardous materials or bloodborne pathogens exposure for aircraft accident investigators and airport rescue fire fighters (ARFF) • Radiation exposure to commercial pilots • Stress disorders in air traffic management • Hazardous materials exposure to aircraft refuelers • Fatigue in aircraft maintenance shift workers • Struck-by hazards on airport aprons • Thermal hazards for ARFF, or military flightline personnel Scope & Magnitude: 1. Address the scope and magnitude of the problem by researching scholarly literature, federal or national statistics, and industry resources. Is this problem locally, nationally, and/or globally systemic? 2. Provide specifics associated with mortality, morbidity, epidemiology of the problem, social consequences, economic consequences, direct and indirect costs associated with accidents, etc. Hazard & Exposure: 1. Based upon the scholarly literature, occupational safety and health guidelines and resources, and literature from the text, thoroughly describe the hazards and exposures that are responsible for the injury/illness problem or the hazards and exposures that create a potential for injury/illness. 2. Detail how they are harmful or injury producing? If you are addressing a health problem, is the exposure chronic, acute, or both? Are there exposure limits? 3. Detail causal and contributory factors, and relate these factors to accident causation theories and models as portrayed in the research literature or within the course text. Risk Management: 1. Demonstrate the significance of the hazard by using hazard analysis methods and tools, as discussed in the scholarly literature and within the text, to determine the severity and likelihood of injury/illness. 2. What controls are currently in place to prevent injury/illness? 3. Do these controls conform with the hierarchy of controls? 4. Based on the scholarly literature, how effective are these controls? With regard to controls and injury/illness prevention, are there existing standards or regulations? 5. Illustrate the significance of proactive vice reactive measures. 6. Prioritize risks and establish control protocols.