Central Themes of Christianity
Please write a four to six page paper on the central themes of Christianity. Please double space, and use standard font. Title pages, end note pages, and bibliographical pages do not count for the four to six page requirement. Scoring of the essay will be based on content, including original research, grammar and usage, as well as spelling. A = 180-200: The paper will show research,and systematic argument based upon a strong thesis statement. B = 160-179: The paper will show clarity, research, and adequate argument in support of the thesis statement. C = 140-159: The paper will show a basic understanding of the concepts for the particular faith. D = 120-139: The pape will only demonstrate a rudimentary understanding foand does not fulfill the requirement of length. F = 0-119: The paper demonstrates an inadequate grasp of the basics of the faith. Papers not submitted will receive zero points. Papers which are plagiarized will receive zero points. Please remember that the assignments are processed through “Turn i In” automatically at the drop-box, and this feature will show the use of outside sources.