Change Customer Service Like THIS Woman Ross Shafer case study
View the short video by Ross Shafer from the following URL address on You Tube: The “personal’ side of exceeding customer expectations is probably the most gratifying part of the service industry. It makes the customer feel good and special, and it makes you feel good and special. From the video, please answer the following questions: 1) Do you think Maria Garcias’ actions (getting the Diet Coke) were instilled in her through company training? Or do you think she did it on her own? 2) Think about the hiring process that took place when Maria was hired by this hotel company. What qualities do you think they saw in Maria that made her a good hire? 3) What Maria did was so simple; yet, her example is not common in our business, no matter what sector you are exposed to. If you were the manager overseeing Maria’s room service department, how would you motivate the rest of the room service team to work at her level of customer service? 4) How can we, as managers, better “tune-in” to the needs of our customers … especially those like Ross Shafer in the video; checking in after midnight? 5) Briefly describe the last time you were “wowed” by a special, unexpected personal service. How did you react? Did you provide positive feedback like Ross did in the video? Using the questions as sub-headers, re-write the questions in your own words and answer each question in “mini-essay” form; that is, with an introduction, supporting body with references where appropriate and a conclusion for each question. Make sure to provide a proper introduction and thesis for the entire assignment at the beginning of the essay; that is, provide appropriate background information and establish the purpose before writing your mini-essays. Refer to the grading rubric for specific expectations and requirements. Submission Instructions: Submit as an attachment. A good submission will (1) successfully address the assigned questions, (2) refer to associated textbook content/assigned reading, (3) well-supported opinions and evidence of critical thought, (4) proper grammar and spelling, and (5) APA citation and referencing is applied. A minimum of three (3) scholarly and/or peer-reviewed references are required. (At least one of your sources should be the text.) Use the library to search for sources and avoid internet-based sources as points will be deducted. Ask a librarian for assistance if necessary. Once the assignment has been submitted, will automatically generate a similarity report. You should be aiming for a similarity score of less than 20%, excluding the reference page. This means that 80% or more of the content of your paper is written using your own original content.