Chinese Historical Society of America (in San Francisco Chinatown)
Write about the site and your experiences there 4-5 pages. You must visit the site while enrolled in this class and may not write about a site that you visited in the past. Analyze, as best as you can, the history and community (demographics, such as gender, age, race, ethnicity), practices, beliefs, architecture, and location. Engage with theories and concepts from weeks 4 and 5 to assist in developing analysis (such as racial formation, Loewen’s argument about U.S. history education, or Ethnic Studies and Asian American Studies as counter-narratives, and so on). Apply the concepts to the data you collected at your site so you are not just describing historical data. You visited a site: what does it reveal about Asian American history? What does the site tell you? What type of historical narrative is achieved or communicated at this site? What does it say about “history v. History”? Why does this site matter? Who does it matter for? In addition. the primary textbooks also engage with theories, critiques, and arguments: pull them out and emphasize them in your report. You MUST directly engage with at least 3 assigned readings from the class (which means fulsome and thoughtful use of citations, and not just one random quote); You MUST engage with five of your peers forum posts; Relate your experiences to class materials, such as assigned readings, films, lectures, discussions. In order to do this well, you will need to interact with people at the event or site/place you visited.