Choose oneexample of a Greek or Roman advancemenT ThaT improved Their socie±es
1. AncienT peoples were oµen much more advanced Than modern people undersTand. Choose oneexample of a Greek or Roman advancemenT ThaT improved Their socie±es. How did This advancemenTa¶ecT The culTure of The Greeks or Romans? Has This advancemenT evolved and is iT in use, in somecapaciTy, in The modern world?
2. ²heaTer is a wonderful example of someThing ThaT originaTed wiTh The Greeks and persisTed inToRoman ±mes and have been around con±nuously ever since and are s±ll very much parT of moderndrama±c arTs. How has TheaTer arTs changed since ancienT ±mes?