Choose two (2) tools that a paralegal could use to conduct the research process

Choose two (2) tools that a paralegal could use to conduct the research process

Question 1

Choose two (2) tools that a paralegal could use to conduct the research process. Explain the primary manner in which each of the identified tools enables a paralegal to interpret legal authority.

Question 2

From the e-Activity, review the four (4) key questions of legal research. Rank each question in order of importance. Provide a rationale for each question’s ranking.


Go to Cornell University’s Law Library to review the section titled, “Basics of Legal Research”, located at

LEG 320

Question 1

Determine the key elements of credit fraud identification. Next, discuss the fundamental ways in which to detect credit fraud, and analyze the main reasons why it is difficult to prove such a fraud. Justify your response.

Question 2

Argue for or against this statement: Merchants and their employees should subtly screen their customers by asking for two (2) forms of identification in order to prevent identity theft. Next, suggest at least one (1) additional method that a business owner could take in order to curtail identity theft. Justify your response.

CRJ 325

“The Fourth (4th) Amendment: The New Frontier”

Question 1

Read the article located in the course shell titled, “The Problem with Eyewitness Testimony: A talk by Barbara Tversky, Professor of Psychology and George Fisher, Professor of Law”. Next, explain two (2) major issues that you can identify as it relates to lineups and other means of pretrial identification.

Question 2

Discuss two (2) situations in which you feel that Miranda warnings are not required as it relates to arrest, custody, and interrogation.

***Discussion Question Rubric***

-One initial, substantial, original, major response to first discussion question.

-Response to other students: must be substantive, not “I agree” or “I disagree,” but add value to the discussion postings.