Community Resources for the Elderly
For this assignment, you will choose an agency or a single program or service within an agency that serves older people. That may include, for example, a senior center, a recreation program, a residential care facility or nursing home, legal assistance programs for the elderly, home care, etc. You may choose any program or agency you–feel free to check out a program in your neighborhood that’s convenient to visit. I have included a list of possible options for those who would like suggestions. Write a 4—5 page paper (typed, double-spaced) describing the service. I strongly encourage you to visit the agency, conduct telephone or email interviews with staff, explore their websites, and look for objective material from rating services. Provide information about why the service is important (e.g. does it prevent the need for nursing home care, does it relieve caregiver stress?, etc.). You must include a minimum of 3 citations and references in from your research. This may include books (your textbook is a great source of information), websites, journals, or articles. You may also cite individuals you interview for the assignment. All citations and references should be in correct APA style, which you will learn more about next week. This assignment is worth 50 points toward your final grade. Provide all of the information listed below. The number of points that will be awarded for each section are indicated. I will be providing additional information in the next couple weeks. Description of the service (15 pts), including: Who uses the agency or services? Provide the number of clients and the breakdown by gender (% of men/% of women), ethnicity, age, income, etc. (5 points); Describe how the services meet clients’ needs (e.g. does the service improve clients’ functional capacity, give caregivers a break, etc.) (5 points). Funding and Eligibility. Who funds the program (e.g. government, client fees, private donations)? Do clients have to be on Medicare, MediCal, or SSI, a certain age, etc? (5 points) Management, Administration, and Personnel (10 pts) Is this a for-profit or non profit agency (2 points) Is this agency or resource part of a larger chain (2 points) How many employees work at the agency? (2 points) What are the job titles of employees (director, physical therapist, coordinator, licensed vocational nurses, etc.)? (2 points) What is the pay range for primary jobs (to find out, ask to see a job description) (2 points) Research methods (10 pts.). Describe how you learned about the resource, including: Provide a minimum of 3 citations and references in APA style, including one book or journal (6 points). Did you visit the agency, interview staff or clients, check consumer ratings? (4 points). Analysis (10 pts.) Provides a thoughtful and objective description of the benefits and limitations of the service: Who might benefit from the service, would recommend the service to a friend or family member? Would you consider using it yourself? Preparation and organization (5 pts.) Paper is well organized, free from excessive errors and typos, and turned in on time.