Comparative analysis of The Haunting of Hill House

Comparative analysis of The Haunting of Hill House

This paper should be 1500-2000 words long(typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, page numbers). It should have a title page with a title, your name and student number, the course code, the instructor’s name, and the date. It should use 2-4 secondary sources that areNOT the film or the book/play.These may include: reviews, commentary, journal articles, other books or book chapters, information about the authors/directors/actors, etc. Wikipedia will not be accepted but it is a good place to get other legitimate secondary sources (Check out the References at the bottom of the page). This paper should be a comparative analysis of one of the adaptations from this courseafter the midterm (if you choose The Haunting of Hill House you can look at both adaptations,or only one). So you need to choose either Streetcar, Haunting, Persepolis or Carmilla. Thisis not a synopsis or a list of differences between the two adaptations but is a critical comparison of the two works and their stylistic, aesthetic, textual, cultural,and structural compositions. Explain how the “page”has been adapted into the“screen”—i.e. how do the filmic elements translate the story, narrative, spirit of the “page” into the “screen”?You may find that certain aspects are similar AND certain aspects are different. Explain them and the way these differences or similarities effect the whole work. For example: if my paper was about Rashomon, I might look at how the settings reflect the themes of justice and memory. (My thesis would be: Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon(1950) reflects the themes of memory, and justice seen in the short stories through the use of sets, lighting, and editing.) Onlyhard copies will be accepted.Late penalty for paper: –5% per day, unless there is a valid cause, in which casedocumentation (i.e. a doctor’s note) must be provided. See the university policy for thedetails and certificate: “Such documents should normally be submitted within 3 workingdays of a missed assignment, test or exam.