Compare and contrast how the psychologist as a detective (a researcher) solves a problem to how a non-researcher solves a problem

Compare and contrast how the psychologist as a detective (a researcher) solves a problem to how a non-researcher solves a problem

Finding Truth
Compare and contrast how the psychologist as a detective (a researcher) solves a problem to how a non-researcher solves a problem. Please be sure to discuss the following concepts in your detailed discussion: intuition, hearsay, literature review, hypothesis, research plan, scientific method, problem identification, nonsystematic and systematic sources, ethics and ethical procedures.

The Ethical Demand
The need for increasing oversight in psychological research is changing as demand for ethical practices and complexities of research are challenged. Present an overview, based on your readings and outside research, of this phenomenon. Include in your discussion topics such as deception, institutional review board, informed consent, and debriefing.

Word limit- about 2-3 paragraphs or 150-300 words each