Compare and contrast medieval/early modern and modern processes of stigmatization.
Which groups were (are?) labeled as deviant in pre-modern and modern societies, in what ways and why? Discuss the meaning of stigma symbols. Discuss change and continuities in how and to whom they were applied. Consider the social, political, cultural, religious and economic contexts in which these processes occur(ed). In what ways can modern sociological theories of deviance (Goffman, Erikson) inform our understanding of premodern marginality? Discuss the examples of Jews, Executioners and Lepers in detail, though you may also discuss other examples (Prostitutes? The Poor? Heretics?). Pay close attention to change over time, not only between premodern and modern times, but particularly over the course of the medieval and early modern periods. In your discussion draw on Huppert, Goffman, Erikson, Stuart, Hughes, Moore, Spierenburg, as well as the visual evidence discussed in lecture (available for review on Smartsite). required readings: Erving Goffman, Stigma. Notes on the Management of a Spoiled Identity Georges Huppert, After the Black Death. A Social History of Early Modern Europe Kathy Stuart, Defiled Trades and Social Outcasts