Compare and contrasting Judaism, Christianity and Islamic thought
Short essays- Please type your responses, edit your work. I will not read rough drafts. Please double space your responses. Make sure that you do not plagiarize – you 9may use parenthetical citations for the Main text and the Reader as follows: (MT p. number) or Reader p. number). If you use a secondary source you must include a works cited page including citation of this source in body of the paper.
1) Write an essay comparing and contrasting Judaism, Christianity and Islamic thought on the following themes: 1) Messianic v Prophetic tradition 2) The nature of Sin stemming from Creation 3) The resulting differences of viewpoints on how salvation in understood in the 3 traditions.
2) Write a brief essay on Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” from the Reader. Use your lecture notes on the Divided Line, the Forms and role of education to interpret the allegory.