Compare the articles by Keough and Morgan on women and authority in colonial British North America.
Write a well-organized essay of 1000 words on ONE of the topics listed below. The purpose of the essay is to compare the research of two scholars on selected topics. When preparing this essay, begin by deciding whether the similarities or differences between their research dominate. For example, if differences are more significant than the similarities, then much of your essay will be taken up with the contrasts between the two articles. In this case, begin with a discussion of the similarities. You should include all the similarities. Once this is out of the way, you can then get down to the major part of your essay, the different approaches the authors have chosen to take. It is key in this assignment to demonstrate that you have thoroughly and carefully read and understood the articles.Compare the articles by Keough and Morgan on women and authority in colonial British North America : Keough, Willeen. “The Riddle of Peggy Mountain: Regulation of Irish Women’s Sexuality on the Southern Avalon, 1750–1860,” Acadiensis 31, no. 2 (Spring 2002): 38–70, Morgan, Cecilia “‘Of Slender Frame and Delicate Appearance’: the Placing of Laura Secord in the Narratives of Canadian Loyalist History,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 5, no. 1 (1994): 195–212.