Compare the major advantages and disadvantages of starting an e-commerce business versus a traditional brick-and-mortar business

Compare the major advantages and disadvantages of starting an e-commerce business versus a traditional brick-and-mortar business

  • Imagine that you are interested in starting an e-Commerce business. Compare the major advantages and disadvantages of starting an e-commerce business versus a traditional brick-and-mortar business. Examine the significant risks of going global with an e-Commerce business.
  • Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research two to three (2-3) articles on Standard Oil Co. Inc. and the related vertical integration. Analyze the rationale for the so called “Trust-busting” Standard Oil apart. Examine the main advantages and disadvantages of “Trust-busting”. Support your response.
  • Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research two to three (2-3) articles on organizations which experienced vertical integration. Select at least two (2) vertical integration examples in addition to the one on standard oil. Next, assess the value that the vertical integration might have created or will create for the organizations you selected. Support your response.