Compare the media coverage of the case of an individual who was found Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) in a Canadian court in the last 10 years to the research presented

Compare the media coverage of the case of an individual who was found Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) in a Canadian court in the last 10 years to the research presented

Discuss 4 of the following 5 subtopics: 1. Interrogation/interview process 2. Witness testimony 3. Jury selection or deliberations 4. Arguments presented in the decision to find the individual NCR 5. Public reactions to the NCR ruling Format INTRO: Brief overview of the case 1 page SELECTED SUBTOPIC 1 1 page SELECTED SUBTOPIC 2 1 page SELECTED SUBTOPIC 3 1 page SELECTED SUBTOPIC 4 1 page CONCLUSION ½ page Length: 6 double-spaced typed pages Plus or minus half a page without penalty • 2.54cm (1”) margins • 12-point Time New Roman font • Double-spaced (2.0) lines • APA-formatted reference list (start on new page)