Comparison between Spain and Britain in Politeness

Comparison between Spain and Britain in Politeness

Ch. 8 & 22 –;=&id=8h6abwB15Q0C&oi=fnd&pg=PA317&dq=spain+speech+acts&ots=DU413LehrT&sig=qhQroegIrnMDGeHvNslm2WIcIps#v=onepage&q=spain%20speech%20acts&f=false The project consists on finding TWO research papers about the same topic (i.e. how you say no, request, concept of time, etc. etc.) and: 1. Read carefully each paper. Then you have to write on your own words a paper about the two research papers you read. You have to: 1. Talk about the goals and or questions each study has 2. Talk about the theory they use for the study 3. The process and tools used by the authors to collect the data 4. Analysis of the results done by the authors 5. You have to compare the two studies and write conclusions 6. What did you learn about this project? 2 pages single spaced (or 4 pages double-spaced); a) Title of the article and author’s name, b) Hypothesis or question that the article investigates, c) Process followed to collect the data, d) Summary of findings of each article, e) How do the two articles compare to each other, and f) Conclusions including a. what you learned from the project b. Do the findings discussed in the articles need further research? Is there a risk of creating stereotypes or generalizations? c. How can we (the class) apply the article findings in our learning/understanding of the new culture? The written paper will be graded based on: -answering all of the above points -organization of ideas, -clarity and effectiveness in summarizing and comparing both articles -grammar -Conclusions Also, I need this paper to be sent to me in English and a Spanish translation for it.