Comparison of Fordist and the post-Fordist accumulation regimes
A paper of 2300-2500 words.In this reflection, you are particularly expected to reflect on the relationship between the economic and extra-economic. There are various issues to discuss, for instance some students may prefer to focus on the Fordist compromise, whereas others would like to compare Fordist and the post-Fordist accumulation regimes. You do not necessarily have to get into macro discussion; it is well possible to engage with some meso and micro level analysis as long as you connect them with the broader framework. Different organization designs at different periods could be contrasted, or different control mechanisms (as we have already covered during the labor process cases) could be incorporated to broader changes in the accumulation regimes, or the same can be done for different organization designs, inter-organizational relations (to highlight increasing importance of outsourcing, strategic alliances and network forms of organizations). It is equally possible to assess different national compromises, such as Scandinavian models, Anglo-Saxon models, or Japanese models. Those who would like to reflect on the Turkish experience with different international accumulation strategies are also welcomed. Attached 7 papers/sources to be used as reference; the 7th uploaded paper named “Bus 707 Ref.Paper 1” is just for sample purposes as it was the 1st paper that I had written for this course and received satisfactory feedback & grade. 1) A. Gramsci.1971. ‘Americanism and Fordism’ in Prison Notebooks, Q. Hoare & G.N. Smith (ed), Lawrence & Wishart: London, reprinted in 1999 ElecBook: London, pages.558-623 2) B., Jessop, and N.L. Sum, 2006. ‘Gramsci as a proto- and post-regulation theorist’ in Beyond the Regulation Approach. pages. 348-74 3) A. Lipietz and M. Vale.1998.Accumulation, Crises, and Ways Out: Some Methodological Reflections on the Concept of “Regulation”. International Journal of Political Economy, 1988, vol. 18, issue 2, pages. 10-43 4) S. Clarke. 1990. The Crisis of Fordism and the Crisis of Capitalism, Telos, New York, 83, Spring, pages.71 – 98 5) F. Belussi and F. Garibaldo – 1996 – Variety of pattern of the post-fordist economy. Futures Vol.28. No.2 pages.153-171