Comparison of The Aphrodite of Knidos by Praxiteles (Late Classical) with Birth of Venus by Botticelli (Italian Early Renaissance painting)
This area of the final exam is for your compare and contrast essay. Please also complete the online objective portion found through the outline. The essay is worth 20% of your entire grade and is graded separately from the objective portions (image identification and multiple choice). For the essay, you will choose two images on which to write ONE essay (or, if you prefer, you may choose from the list of options provided below). DUE DATE: The final essay assignment is due by 11:59 on the last day of class. (However, earlier papers are appreciated and get the most feedback.) CHOOSING YOUR IMAGES You will need to choose two works of art from different periods that represent a particular theme in art from the course modules. Your comparison must focus on the artists and period styles covered in LA 120 and must include at least ONE artwork from a period style introduced after Module 7. Please note:only one image MUST be from the second half of the course, but both CAN be from the second half–just different eras or cultures. The pair you choose must be drawn from two different period styles. For example, you may compare a High Classical Greek artwork with an Early Italian Renaissance artwork. You may NOT compare a High Classical Greek artwork to another work from the Hellenistic period. It is important to choose two artworks that have a number of things in common as well as a number of unique aspects to compare. If you would like feedback about your choice before your begin writing, please contact me as early as possible. You may also complete the chart linked to the final paper tab to receive feedback from me. This is NOT mandatory. If you prefer not to choose your own pair, a list of possible comparisons is provided below. YOUR ESSAY SHOULD CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Introduction including a thesis statement. This is the main point of your essay and tells your reader what you are going to cover in the essay. (For more detailed information, please see the “Final Paper” tab= there you will also find the proposal worksheet, discussed below and which is also attached below.) 1. Cultural context of both artworks/ period style (politics, society, religion, etc.) 2. Stylistic characteristics of both artworks/ period style. When discussing culture and style your essay should address how the cultural context informs the stylistic characteristics of that period. You should also incorporate art historical vocabulary from the modules when discussing stylistic characteristics. 3. Subject matter of both artworks. (story/narrative, what’s going on in the artwork?) 4. Function and possible meaning (symbolism/ iconography) of both artworks 5. Similarities and differences between the two. What makes this a good comparison? 6. Conclusion should recap thesis, include important conclusions or insights about the artwork and the artist or culture which produced it and discuss why you chose to write about the artwork. 7. Documentation of sources: in-text references or footnotes and a bibliography. Using and referencing at least three sources outside of the course is REQUIRED. Please see attachment for information on good sources and how to search. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference. SOME SUGGESTED COMPARISONS You may choose from one of the following suggested comparisons IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO CREATE YOUR OWN: The Aphrodite of Knidos by Praxiteles (Late Classical) with Birth of Venus by Botticelli (Italian Early Renaissance painting) Venus of Willendorf (Prehistoric) with Birth of Venus by Botticelli (Italian Early Renaissance) King Tutanhamon Death Mask (Egyptian) with Sinai Christ (Byzantine) Doryphoros (High Classical) with David (Italian Early Renaissance) Dying Gaul (Hellenistic era) with Gero Crucifix (Early Medieval) The Parthenon (High Classical) with Chartres Cathedral (Gothic) Laocoon (Hellenistic) with Deposition by van der Weyden (Northern Renaissance) Augustus of Prima Porta(Roman Early Imperial) with Ghent Altarpiece (Northern Renaissance) Portrait of a Patrician (Roman Republic) with Portrait of a Lady by van der Weyden (Northern Renaissance) Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Byzantine fresco) compared and contrasted with Giotto’s Lamentation in the Arena Chapel (Proto-Renaissance [Late Gothic] fresco) Saint Sernin in Toulouse, France (Romanesque architecture) with Chartres Cathedral (Notre Dame Cathedral in Chartres–Gothic architecture) Crucifixion (Carolingian manuscript cover) with Deposition by Rogier van der Weyden (Northern Renaissance painting) Vladimir Madonna (Byzantine icon painting) with Madonna and Child with Angels, Fra Filippo Lippi (early Renaissance painting) Annunciation by Simone Martini (Late Gothic painting) with Annunciation (Merode Altarpiece) by Robert Campin (Northern Early Renaissance painting) Gero Crucifix (Early Medieval) with Holy Trinity by Masaccio (Italian Early Renaissance painting) The Birth of the Virgin by Lorenzetti (Proto Renaissance) with Birth of Venus by Botticelli (Italian Early Renaissance) FORMAT Your essay should be about four double spaced pages/1000 words (plus “Works Cited” at the end of the paper)– but this is just a guideline, most importantly, be sure to prove your thesis; it may be longer. Use footnotes or in-text references in addition to a works cited page. The essay should be spell-checked and grammar-checked (I will be grading slightly on grammar in this research paper unlike the discussions–see Rubric below); and proofread for errors not caught by the computer. Include your name, class title with section; double-space. There is no requirement for the file name. Please embed images of your artworks and any relevant details or related works! This should be in a typical essay format. SOURCE MATERIAL You are required to use at least three reference sources outside of the course, and they must be credited/cited. See attached for help in searching and for qualified sources. TURNITIN You are required to run your Final Exam Paper through before posting it. You do NOT need to attach your originality report, however you must submit your paper both to Turnitin and attach in this thread. Turnitin identifies un-original content in your papers in an ‘Originality Report’ generated. So please do not plagiarize. 1. If you’ve used Turnitin before, login using your same email and password; if you are new to it, create an account as a student. a. Click on Enroll in a Class b. Enter the class ID number and class password provided below Class ID: 15600688 Class password: history You are not required to submit a draft or sections of your paper; however, YOU ARE WELCOME TO. I am happy to review your paper at any stage. If you check the “Final Paper” tab at the top menu in any course page, there is an outline form to guide you in the format and development of your paper. I’m attaching it here as well. Everyone is welcome to submit it to me up to August 11th for my suggestions and comments. Attached below are the outline form and the rubric that will be used for grading this paper, along with tips on searching and quality sources. Super great resources with tips for writing compare and contrast essays are found here: and