Consider the similarities and differences in the experiences of Catholics and Jews in the United States
Each Discussion Question needs to be a minimum of 250 words in length.
Discussion Question #1 – due by day 3
In Chapter 5, Koppelman describes the unique cultural traditions and history of oppression experienced by Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos in the U.S. In our Perspectives text, we read of personal accounts. Each group struggled against discrimination in an effort to become integrated in American society.
- Read about the experiences of each of the four groups in Chapter 5 of your text.
- Each group has faced discrimination and scapegoating, as the entire group was blamed for the culture’s problems. Select two of the four groups; identify and describe similarities and differences in discriminatory treatment that these groups have experienced. How have they responded and what is their prospect for the future in America?
Discussion Question #2 – due by day 5
Review the information in Chapter 6 of the text and respond to the following questions:
- Consider the similarities and differences in the experiences of Catholics and Jews in the United States as they struggled against anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitismrespectively.You need not write about these.
- Identify and describe the parallels you see between the historical treatment of these groups in early American history and the treatment of Muslims in America today.
- Using the information in Chapter 6, explain some of the conflicts that arise between upholding religious freedom and the tactics used to control religious groups. Cite all sources used.