Contemporary issue in Crime, Drugs and Public Policy
A 7 page research paper is major requirement for this course. The paper should address “Any contemporary issue in Crime, Drugs and Public Policy”. Your topic must be pre-approved by the instructor. It should be one that will contribute novel information to the existing literature. The paper is due on or before 04/28/2017. Your work should not reflect in any form or manner any effort that the work has been plagiarized. Any plagiarized work would automatically attract the grade of an F. You are expected to run the final copy of your research paper in the Turnitin plagiarism detection program. As specified earlier, the paper should be in the writing style of the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, 6th edition. An APA Sample paper has been uploaded for you to peruse in the moodle. The research paper must be written using the APA documentation style or format