Convert each subject’s age and height into a z-score

Convert each subject’s age and height into a z-score

Using the z-score of ±1.645 for the 5 percent cutoff and the z-score of ±1.96 for the 2.5 percent in the tail, identify the subject identification (ID) number for subjects who are closest to the cutoff for the upper 2.5 percent and 5 percent of the scores and the lower 2.5 percent and 5 percent of the scores. Do this by comparing each participant’s z-score with the appropriate critical value (1.645, 1.96, -1.645, -1.96).

ID Number Class Gender Age Height (inches)
1 Frosh Male 17 70
2 Frosh Male 18 65
3 Frosh Female 18 62
4 Frosh Female 17 60
5 Frosh Female 19 72
6 Frosh Male 18 77
7 Frosh Male 19 79
8 Frosh Female 17 58
9 Frosh Male 18 62
10 Frosh Female 18 60
11 Soph Female 19 60
12 Soph Female 18 55
13 Soph Male 18 72
14 Soph Male 23 70
15 Soph Male 19 69
16 Soph Female 20 67
17 Soph Female 20 59
18 Soph Male 19 68
19 Soph Female 19 52
20 Soph Male 19 77
21 Junior Male 20 75
22 Junior Female 20 60
23 Junior Male 20 70
24 Junior Female 20 70
25 Junior Female 27 65
26 Junior Male 19 62
27 Junior Male 22 71
28 Junior Male 21 66
29 Junior Female 24 59
30 Junior Female 23 55
31 Senior Male 22 75
32 Senior Male 21 55
33 Senior Female 24 58
34 Senior Female 27 68
35 Senior Female 20 61
36 Senior Female 22 61
37 Senior Male 25 70
38 Senior Male 23 69
39 Senior Female 31 64
40 Senior Male 19 51