Create a program that calculate the number of calories burned while running on a treadmill.
The final graded project is divided into two parts. Part1 Turn to page 224 of your textbook and locate Programming Exercise 2- Calories Burned. Create a program that calculate the number of calories burned while running on a treadmill. An Individual running on this particular treadmill burns 3.9 calories per minute. Design a program that uses a loop to display the number of calories burned after running 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes. To complete Part 1, 1.Create a flowchart for this program using the data provided. 2.Create pseudocode for this program using the data provided. Part 2 Turn to page 427 of your textbook and locate Programming Exercise 6- Golf Scores. You’ll create a program for a Gold Club that 1. Reads each player’s name and gold score as keyboard inputs, and saves these records as golf.dat 2. Reads the golf.dat records and displays them. To complete Part 2 1. Create a flowchart for this program using the data provided. 2. Create pseudocode for this program using the data provided. Information for both: Calories Burned Page 223, Chapter 5 Repetition Structure: Running on a particular treadmill you burn 3.9 calories per minute. Design a program that uses a loop to display the number of calories burned after 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes Golf Scores Page 427, Chapter 10. The Springfork Amateur Golf Club has a tournament every weekend. The club president has asked you to design two programs. (1) A program that will read each player’s name and golf score as keyboard input, and then save these as records in a file named golf.dat. (Each record will have a field for the player’s name and a field for the player’s score.) (2) A program that reads the records from the golf.dat file and displays them.