Create and evaluate your own impression evidence
This assignment will give you the opportunity to create and evaluate your own impression evidence. As you have read in your textbook, pattern evidence is, for the most part, examined by the naked eye. Select one of the following learning activities on which to base this assignment: Create two impression patterns of your choice. This can include an imprint and/or indentation pattern. Take photos of the impressions you have created. For example, this can be foot impressions, tire impressions, or fingerprints left in mud, soil, or snow. Document the creation of your pattern evidence, describe the type of individualized pattern you have created, and detail the best practices to collect and preserve this evidence. Explain the relevant information that can be gleaned from this type of evidence. Include your photographs with your Word document. The paper must be two pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.