Creating Your Genogram
Assignment 3.3: Genogram Explanation: Creating Your Genogram… A genogram is a family diagram which provides a way of mapping family patterns and relationships across at least three generations. Genograms report information on the family structures. The first question to ask is, “Where do I begin?” First, make a decision on how many generations you wish to show on your genogram. For this assignment you will do a minimum of three (3) generations, you and your siblings, your parents and their siblings, and lastly, your grandparents and their siblings. Please feel free to go further back into your family history if you like. Next, you should interview family members to get the full picture of your family’s history with alcohol and drug addiction. Ask your family members to tell you stories about the family so that you can gain an understanding of the different types of relationships they had with one another and with their addictions. Also, remember that confidentiality is very important so be sensitive when approaching each family member. After gathering the information, begin creating your genogram. Refer to the handout on the symbols used to make the genogram. Make sure to key in significant issues and events (i.e., hospitalizations, illnesses, depression. Also, identify the culture and ethnicity where appropriate, as well as identify stillbirths and miscarriages if possible. Read the information contained in the following resources and familiarize yourself with the definition of a genogram, designing a genogram and understanding the symbols used to make a genogram. Review Website: Procedure: In this assignment you will identify those who have used drugs and alcohol in your family. After completing the genogram, take a picture of it and attach it to a 2 page (500 word) word summary on what you think is the likelihood of them or someone else in your family becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol. Evaluation of this assignment is based on the following criteria: Completeness with three (3) full generations Using the symbols accurately Completeness of information Written summary Followed the instructions