Current issues within the criminal justice system literature review
The literature review, consisting of 2500 words (+/-10%) will allow you to explore theoretical issues in criminology and analyse the main tenets of the discipline. A literature review is a substantial academic exploration of a topic. Therefore you should be able to use a variety of sources including chapters, journal articles and books (you should work with the premise of a minimum number of 15 sources). Your literature review will enable you to work towards your second assignment; the research proposal and poster. You should therefore develop a research question or hypothesis around which you can develop a research proposal for a small scale piece of research and carry out a literature review to inform that research. Your research proposal will need to be realistic and one where the research can feasibly be carried out by you as an undergraduate student. You can choose one of the following broad topics: Current issues within the criminal justice system. The state response to criminality. Young people and crime.