Describe a recent message exchange in which differing referents led to misunderstanding
Part I 1. Describe a recent message exchange in which differing referents led to misunderstanding. Include elements that demonstrate each corner of the Triangle of Meaning and identify the elements (i.e., thought, symbol, and referent). Explain what you could have (should have) done to help prevent or correct the misunderstanding. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to see an example). 2. In a separate paragraph, consider the importance of symbols, and then describe what effects, if any, you think textese has had on nontext-message communication? Be specific, provide examples and reference the course text to demonstrate/support your reasoning. Course Content: The role and structure of verbal & nonverbal messages in the communication process. Learning Outcome: 6. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic components and characteristics of language. Example Post: My partner and I agreed that we needed (=thoughts) a new vehicle (= symbol). On the way to the dealership, I was dreaming about the one vehicle I’ve always wanted. When we arrived, the salesperson asked about the type of vehicle we wanted. I said big blue trucks (=reverent). My partner looked at me and said, “No, we’re here to look at green SUVs (=reverent).” After several seconds of awkward silence, we mumbled something about not being ready to buy, walked out, and drove home in silence. In hindsight, I should have known the type of vehicle my partner had in mind beforehand. That would have helped us clarify our reverent and avoid the embarrassing scene at the dealership. Part II 1. Studies show that people engage in deception much more than they care to admit. Read the following scenario. Scenario. A reporter questions a politician about allegations that she used taxpayer money to fund personal vacations. She looks straight at the reporter, crosses one leg over the other, and says, “I’ve worked for the people of this community for ten years, and no one has ever questioned my ethics until now.” As she speaks, she points her index finger at the politician and uses a stern and clear tone of voice. 2. From the scenario respond to the following: a. What behaviors (if any) may indicate deception? Explain. b. Are there alternative explanations for the behaviors (aside from deception)? Explain. c. What questions could you ask to get more information before making a judgment? Provide examples.