Describe changes in community attention to Domestic violence
Domestic violence is an issue that has come to prominence in the past decade. Briefly describe changes in community attention to this issue. Why do you think this issue has gained attention? Support your view with evidence from academic sources. Give reasons for changes in attitude. Focus on the understanding that can be gained from ‘The effects on children of domestic violence’ Your conclusion should address whether awareness is developing and what is changing in approaches to domestic violence in the selected area (this can be in terms of ideas, campaigns or attitudes) You will need to use research skills gained from library sessions to discover material that supports your essay. It is essential that you consult at least four ‘peer reviewed’ academic articles. There are four ways you can gather academic material: Recommended readings in this unit guide The Library Pathfinder for this essay Library e-journal databases (ProQuest and EBSCO are recommended) The reference lists from recommended readings in this unit guide Note: you may use material gathered from news items, magazines or web pages as well as academic references. Can use this link to help find references