Describe how a bill becomes law

Describe how a bill becomes law

Answer all questions in a full and complete manner, providing examples as necessary to fully articulate your views, Type all answers, individual work effort only. 1. Describe how a bill becomes law. How do executive orders and regulatory agency regulations/rulings differ from bills that become law? 2. Describe the primary sources of revenue for federal, state, & local governments. What are their primary areas for expenditures (federal, state, & local)? 3. Compare and contrast the Anglo-American and German/Japanese models of corporate control? 4. “Monopoly and collusion among companies are a class of market failure.” Describe the three primary laws governing antitrust. What are the most important provisions in these laws and why are they important to general public? 5. Compare and contrast horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers and acquisitions. Provide examples. Also, describe at least four defensive maneuvers firms frequently take to defend themselves from hostile takeovers, or merger efforts. 6. Compare and contrast Japanese & European industrial policy with America’s efforts at industrial policy. 7. Describe, providing examples, the following theories: • Free Trade, and • Mercantilism/Neo-mercantilism.