Describe how your Soybeans are grown, harvested, processed and transported to the consumer market

Describe how your Soybeans are grown, harvested, processed and transported to the consumer market

In this assignment, you will research one of the most unsustainable foods in your diet. Choose a Food Beef Lamb Soybeans Milk Shrimp Salmon High fructose corn syrup Chocolate Eggs. Your Task: You are to write a report that addresses the three topics for research listed below. Describe how your chosen food is grown, harvested, processed and transported to the consumer market; Analyze the environmental impact of your food product by considering the effects it’s production has on soil, air and water quality; Identify alternatives for this food that could be substituted into your diet or innovative agricultural methods that would make the production of this food more sustainable. The report should be at least 2 or 3 pages in length, and should be based around one of the foods listed above. You are also required to research at least 3 reliable sources and reference them properly within your paper. Below attached is the course content and the rubric of the assignment