Describe, in your own words, the advantages and disadvantages related to each of the four (4) models for Health Information Exchange (HIE)?
What could you do to test the integrity of the data being exchanged between your hospital and the state’s HIE to ensure data quality? 3. Create (write from scratch) at least two (2) operational policies and procedures for your staff to participate legally in the HIE. REQUIREMENTS: – You must submit this paper in Microsoft Word document titled with your name. Example: SSafian.docx – A title page with your name, date, paper topic and word count. – The body of your paper —-The answer to each of the three (3) questions must be clearly marked with a Sub-title. —-a minimum of 250 words for EACH sub-section (answer to each question), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point type, —-a minimum of three (3) properly quoted credible sources and citations as per APA style. Go to the following website for additional clarification of APA style: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. **Only credible sources will be accepted. Those ending with .gov and .org are acceptable. No Wikis, No About. No commercial websites trying to sell software. To get you started: Florida HIE website: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. website: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. A policy statement is an organization-level document that prescribes acceptable methods. Essentially, a policy is simply the way things are done within an organization or behaviors. A procedure statement summarizes the purpose, scope and prescribed manner for complying with an established policy or completing a unit of work. As demanded by the rigor and complexity of the step sequence it precedes, a procedure statement can range from one sentence to several sections or paragraphs. NOTE: All papers will be reviewed by TurnItIn. A TurnItIn ranking of higher than 30% will cause a penalty to be applied to your earned grade. One point penalty for each percentage matches 31% to 69%. Any matches of 70% or higher will earn an automatic zero for the assignment. Grading Rubric Max Points Spelling/grammar 40 Content 120 Length – min. 750 wds 20 References –min. 3 20 Total 200